Programme For Muslim Women

Get back to health – join us for 10 weeks from Monday January 16th 2023


Lose weight, keep it off?

You’ve got a lot of weight to lose, and you’ve had it with calorie counting and yo-yo dieting.



You’re diabetic, or pre-diabetic. You want your blood sugar back to normal and to come off your meds.


Want more energy?

You want to get back some energy, boost your immunity, address auto-immune conditions.


Want to feel younger?

You want to age well, reduce your risk of dementia and heart disease, improve your moods, get fit again.

What’s in our program?

healthy low carb food
Real Food, low carb

It’s not a fad, or diet.  It’s a way of eating that will boost your immunity, confidence and metabolic health – sustainably.  Enjoy eating real food again, with healthy fats sustaining you, with no more cravings.

tai chi class
physical activity

Learn about other ways of accelerating progress and reinforcing the positive changes from real food, low carb.  No gym required!
We’ll debunk the myths and simplify the science.

friendly support

Our blended learning programme includes small groups of up to 16 people.  These sessions are great for learning and support, sharing recipes, tips and tricks, and holding each other accountable.


WIth low carb it’s easy to adapt your favourite dishes and eat with others – at home, work or on social occasions.
Great for cooks and non-cooks alike!

Meet the Founder

portrait of Lesley Adams

Lesley Adams, Chief Rebel, and Real Food Low Carb Nutrition Coach

Lesley is the Chief Rebel and the Founder of Real Food Rebels.  She has a Masters in Public Health Nutrition (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine), and has completed the Nutrition Network’s Nutrition Advisor training, the Professional Training in LCHF/Ketogenic Nutrition and Treatment, and a Level 2 Certificate in Understanding and Management of Type 2 Diabetes.   She is a qualified life coach, a Mediator, a group facilitator and an Applied Improvisor.   

She was recently appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Public Health Collaboration (PHC) and is an active PHC Ambassdor.

She wants everyone to discover the benefits of a real food, LCHF way of eating (low carb, healthy fat), which we will only do the NHS changes the nutrition advice it gives to people with metabolic syndrome.

The Real Food, Low Carb way of eating has helped thousands of people transform their health.  But most people don’t know about it.

Programme Details


Starts Monday 16th January at 6pm

Runs for 10 weeks, leading up to Ramadan

WhatsApp support group

Recipes that you and your family will enjoy

Learn how to fast more healthily

Women-only, Muslim food culture

Access to free adaptable menu planners

Video recordings if you miss a session.

Friendly support and encouragement.

Help with goal-setting at the beginning

Measure progress towards your goals

Access to specialist talks



Price for the whole 10 week programme:

£99 for one person

25% discount for 2 people (£75 each)


What People Say

I’m sticking with it!

“I went down a dress size, lost weight and reduced medication. I didn’t find it restrictive. Actually I discovered new  foods, that I found I like.”

Weight loss & more!

“I’ve lost a stone and a half, my BP is lower, my blood sugar normal and my acid reflex has stopped.  AND people have noticed!”

Long-term change

“I’d recommend the course for anyone who wants a healthy, sensible and sustainable way of eating – now, and for the rest of their life.”

It’s built my confidence

“I’ve learned a lot, am better at making a conscious choice to say “no” to processed, sugary foods. It’s given me courage to carry on, on my own. ”

Book now to secure your place

If you’re ready to book on our course please click here to pay (£99), and reserve your place. 25% discount if you book 2 people.